Stategies 4 Wellbeing 760-533-5690

Is This the Right Time?

Here are a few questions to answer that will point you in the direction of your journey to fulfillment.

1. If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would make?

2. What do you want MORE of in your life?

3. What do you want LESS of in your life?

4. What are three things you do regularly that does not serve or support you?

5. What would you try now, if money was not an issue and you knew you could not fail?

Is this the right time for a coach?

Working with me will help to accelerate the process of reaching your goals. It will help you discover and get clear about what you really want. I will also teach ways to help enjoy the journey and be at peace with whatever shows up in your life along the way.



1) Rate yourself from one to ten in each of these areas. 10 being perfect – I am 100% happy with this area of my life – and 1 being that I need quite a bit of improvement in this area of my life.


  • Health  
  • Career/Journey through Life
  • Wealth/Prosperity
  • Relationships
  • Creativity
  • Family
  • Fun/Recreation
  • Spirituality/Peace
  • Overall Fulfillment

    Are you ready to work with a coach?

    1). I am ready to do what it takes to reach my goals?

    2). I am willing to listen to my coach’s suggestions and intuitive insights?

    3). I am willing to invest in myself?

    4). I am willing to move out of my comfort zone and try new things?

    5). I am willing to make the commitment necessary to create a fulfilling life?

    6). I am willing to commit to the process knowing that transformation and change does not always happen according to my timeline?

    7). I am willing to be honest with myself and my coach?

    8). I am willing to take responsibility for whatever shows up in my life?

    9). I am willing to learn new things and try them before deciding whether it works or not?

    10). I am willing to stop tolerating things in my life that are less than excellent?

    Give yourself 1 point for every Yes and 0 for every No answer.

    8-10 Points: You are ready to make the investment and hire a coach. Your commitment level is high and will support you in working with a coach and achieving your goals.

    5-7 Points: You are close to having the commitment to work with a coach. Consider having the Free 30 minute Coaching Consultation and address areas that you feel blocked so that you can move through them and begin to create the changes you want in your life.

    0-4 Points: You may not be ready to work with a coach. Timing is everything. If you book the Free 30 minute Coaching Consultation, you can ask me about resources that can help prepare you for the process of reaching your goals and discovering your life’s purpose.