Stategies 4 Wellbeing 760-533-5690

Month: June 2017

ACCEPTANCE: 9 Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness

Jon Kabbat-Zinn’s definition: Seeing things as they actually are in the present. If you have pain, accept that you have some pain right now and respond mindfully from there. Denying what is and forcing what we want, wastes… Read More

NON-STRIVING: 9 Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness

Jon Kabbat-Zinn’s definition of Non-Striving: Meditation has no goal other than for you to be yourself. The irony is you already are. I would add: Being alive has no other goal than for you to be yourself! Paying… Read More

TRUST: 9 Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness

 Developing a basic trust in yourself, your feelings, and inner resources. Trusting in your inner wisdom and intuition, even if you don’t always get it right. If something doesn’t feel right, honor your feelings. As defined by Jon… Read More

BEGINNER’S MIND: 9 Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness

I have been writing about the 9 Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness and how we can apply these principles to our lives. They can also be applied to your formal meditation practice. Why practice Mindfulness Meditation? In my first… Read More